Kaiding's Blog

Recently, I found many interesting websites from China. They are really amazing.

They make many of my imaginations to be true. I think these development are really something big, it could change the E-commerce landscape worldwide. Just as the moto of one of these B2C site: One world, one price.

I, myself, am a fun of online shopping. I think the eBay dominated era is over. Online shopping from China becomes transparent and easy. Consumers are actually interested in buying things directly from  China. No intermediate, no wholesaler, of course, extra cost will be saved. That makes value for consumers. But consumers do not trust the unknown dealers from China, they do not trust the quality, brand from China. . Powered with the new internet technology, online shopping from China has overcome many weakness. Consumers will form a community to interact with Chinese suppliers and dealers, make them to improve the quality and offer better products.

So I started a dedicated blog called www.direct-china-shopping.com to review these sites, and I will do this in my spare time and enjoy it. I hope that my research could only bring some benefits to my friends.
250x250 Free Shipping

Since I do not have too much things to do in the summer vocation 2009, I decided to pay more attention to my body and health, so I signed a contract with FitnessFirst. I am wondering how to workout effectively, and I look for tips in the internet.

I found out a website called  eHow, there are many usefull information and suggestions written by a big community.

Almost every topics could be found, and will be illustrated in stepwise, very easy to read and understand, so I have got some useful tips for workout, bodybuilding.


It has a Alexa ranking of 232.

It cooperate also with  Expert Village for video tutorials. I watch the video tutorials in Youtube from Expert village. It is really great!

My favourite address is the one from the big Steve Jobs.

If we dont understand what is Entrepreneurship, it does not matter, we will change our mind after listening to this address, I have almost  decided to give up the study in Regensburg after listening to  this address, but I did not dare to do that. Steve Jobs is Steve Jobs. I am still too small.

Steve is really a big person, his address teaches us things perhaps we  would never learn from a unviersity.

This address is not so long, 15 minutes.

Good things  should be shared with friends.

I have watch the video  from Randy Rausch, I like it very much.

Randy Paush gave his last lecture……………….

Here is the information from Wiki.

“Randy” Pausch October 23, 1960 – July 25, 2008) was an American professor of computer science and human-computer interaction and design at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pausch learned that he had pancreatic cancer, a terminal illness, in September of 2006. He gave an upbeat lecture entitled “The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams” on September 18, 2007 at Carnegie Mellon, which became a popular YouTube video and led to other media appearances. He then co-authored a book called The Last Lecture on the same theme, which became a New York Times best-seller. Pausch died of complications from pancreatic cancer on July 25, 2008.

Pausch delivered his “Last Lecture”, titled Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, at CMU on September 18, 2007.[17] Randy Pausch gave an abridged version of his speech on the Oprah show in October 2007.[18][19] The talk was modeled after an ongoing series of lectures where top academics are asked to think deeply about what matters to them, and then give a hypothetical “final talk”, with a topic such as “what wisdom would you try to impart to the world if you knew it was your last chance?” Before speaking, Pausch received a long standing ovation from a large crowd of over 400 colleagues and students. When he motioned them to sit down, saying, “Make me earn it,” someone in the audience shouted back, “You did!”

Here is the youtube video, it takes about one hour to tell a life story.

Read the rest of this entry »

I have read  another interesting research about the sustainble business in China.

This Research is from the strategy consulting Roland Berger.

The brief introduction from the Roland Berger site is

China’s automotive industry is bypassing further refinement of the combustion engine and is instead aiming to blaze the trail for electric and hybrid vehicle technology. To reach this goal, the government is counting on massive tax incentives and subsidies.

The  study describes the actions being taken by the Chinese government and outlines scenarios for the future e-mobility markets. By 2020, the global market share for electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) will be between 9% and 10%; in countries such as China, it could be as high as over 50%.( what an exciting number!) The markets for batteries, motors and other components will experience similar outstanding growth: by 2020 they will expand to EUR 20 to 50 billion annually, and in the following decades to more than EUR 100 billion. At the same time the competition will become more and more cutthroat.

Source  http://www.rolandberger.com/expertise/publications/2009-05-12-rbsc-pub-Powertrain_2020.html

So we could enjoy the E-cars in the near future.  I wish I could have  E car made by Google.

I  nearly forget the most important thing, the download address of the PDF document is


China is ready to substantially increase the number of electric vehicles on its roads over the next 20 years, a new study from global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company finds. The study, “China charges up: The electric vehicle opportunity,” finds that China’s auto industry, government, and consumers are ready to embrace electric vehicles as a commercially viable and environmentally friendly alternative to today’s gasoline-powered automobiles. According to the study, electric vehicles can help China significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce oil dependency, and become a viable contender in the global electric vehicles market.

The download URL is>


I happened to find this site during my surfing.


it is a blog about the google stories. Their mission statement is an unofficial blog that watches Google’s attempts to move your operating system online.

It is abosolutely true that google is worth to spend time to know about. But google does not just want to move your desktop online, it is more than that. Google are acutally moving all of the human activities online, with the wireless newtwork, even every day.

Let us bet, if google succeed in its mobile phone and netbook products, one day, google will produce cars.

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  • None
  • kaiding: What is your childhood dream?
  • peng: It's a great discovery! It seems impossible. Google can not do everything. Destruction pursues the great. In the last ten years we worried about Micro
  • peng: interesting and useful infos. Keep up the good work!